Established in July 1977, The British Motorsport Trust (BMT) serves British motorsport through a variety of safety and training-related initiatives, by means of a series of grant aid programmes.
Every year, the Trust allocates grants to projects that fit underneath its Safety Development Fund programme.
These are open to Motorsport UK Clubs and Recognised/Licensed Organisations.
Priority is given to applications which are considered most likely to further improve safety aspects of motorsport.
This programme includes, but is not limited to, four major strands:
Closed Road Event Safety Grants
Venue Safety and Sustainability Improvements
Rescue Units and Equipment
Recovery Units and Equipment

Cam Rescue purchased a Holmatro cutter set and Charley Webber, 2021 Motorsport UK Volunteer of the Year, runs crew member Alan Page through the finer points of its operation.
Picture thanks to The British Motorsport Trust
The grants are designed to support additional or enhanced safety improvements which comply with Motorsport UK requirements or regulations.
In a typical year, around 60 grant applications are approved, with in excess of £150,000 awarded. Through partnership funding this brings a total safety benefit to the sport approaching £500,000 each year.
In addition, the Trust supports training for volunteer marshals and officials who are members of recognised motor clubs and affiliated organisations. The training must be delivered through a network of Motorsport UK Licensed Training Instructors who run training according to identified need across the UK annually under the Motorsport UK Training Day Programme. In a typical year the BMT makes around 130 grant awards in this category, representing total grant aid in excess of £200,000.

The British Motorsport Trust supports training for volunteer marshals and officials] Photo with thanks to Andy Manston of M&H Photography.
Providing support and assistance to projects that ensure a safer sport, enabling the UK motorsport community to undertake their tasks safely and encouraging high standards with the sport’s volunteers.
Motorsport UK Registered Motor Clubs or Motorsport UK Registered or Licensed organisations are all welcome to apply for a grant.
We explain some of the process below, with further information available on the grants section of the British Motorsport Trust website.
You can complete a grant aid application form online via the FAQs on the BMT website. The document contains instructions on where to send your completed form.
Complete the form as fully as possible, as the more detail and supporting information you can provide, the easier it is for the Trust’s Awards Panel to properly consider the application and reach a positive decision.
Remember to include copies of paid invoices if relevant purchases have already been made, or a copy of a quotation if a purchase is still pending at the time of application.
Ignore any questions on the form which you may consider irrelevant to your particular application.
Once you’re happy with your application, submit it online or return completed forms via post or email to the General Secretary, Allan Dean-Lewis MBE, whose details are outlined on the form.

Picture thanks to The British Motorsport Trust
Applications will only be considered from Motorsport UK Registered Motor Clubs or other Motorsport UK Registered or Licensed organisations.
Priority will be given to applications which are considered most likely to further improve safety aspects of motor sport.
Any specialist equipment purchased must be currently specified in Motorsport UK Regulations as required for the particular type of organisation and operation.
Any applications relating to venue improvements will be considered on the basis of their level of safety enhancement and/or extended usage of a particular venue and/or purpose.
Applications are normally considered by the Awards Panel approximately every four weeks, and feedback to applicants is normally provided within two weeks.